
Shepard Fairey


Positive-Propaganda is a non-profit art association based in Munich, which is dedicated to establishing contemporary and socio-political art in urban spaces.
The association’s members consist of a group of art and culture enthusiasts who share the aim of promoting young art and communicating it on a regional and international level.
In doing so, our main concern is to sensitise young people to art and culture with current socio-political subjects such as human rights, environmental protection and cancer prevention.
More from Positive Propaganda.

Faith47 & Shepard Fairey


Dan Witz

photo credit: Galerie Ernst Hilger/Katharina Stögmüller
Cash, Cans, Candy
location: Vienna, Austria

The website for the artist/ museum/ brand/ magazine collaboration I posted about recently is going live today, including behind the scenes images of the creation of walls in LA.
This huge wall (a peace elephant and dove) is the largest Shepard Fairey has ever done - 70ft X 106ft; it took 6 days to complete during July. It's going to be featured in the November issue of Vanity Fair, and at the artinthestreets website.
artist: Shepard Fairey
location: West Hollywood Library, Los Angeles
full disclosure: I am being compensated by Vanity Fair and Cadillac for this post
An interesting museum/ artist/ magazine/ brand collaboration: LA-natives Kenny Scharf, Retna and Shepard Fairey are creating walls around LA in conjunction with the MOCA's Art In The Streets show, Vanity Fair and Cadillac.
See more about this project.
artists: Shepard Fairey, Kenny Scharf, Retna
full disclosure: I am being compensated by Vanity Fair and Cadillac for this post

This show couldn't fail with the talent that's involved, and in parts it is really great. The Os Gemeos, Barry McGee and Steve Powers sections stood out for me. Banksy's section is good; it's great to see the classic stencils mixed in with newer pieces (for me it's really special to see the simple stencils that first got me into street art in London - 'Buried treasure' and 'This is not a photo opportunity'). This show will go down as an important event, and it will help broaden recognition of street art.
But Art in the Streets is a missed opportunity: the show focuses so heavily on graffiti that it ignores so many of the important street artists that have been active in the last 10 years, without whom this show would not have happened. The 'street art movement' of the last 10 years is minimally represented; of the hundreds of artists that have appeared on Unurth, only about 12 are represented in this show (of ~95 total). Some people say that's necessary to give a historical perspective; but it's hard to make that case when the most important influence (Blek le Rat) on the most acclaimed artist in the show (Banksy) is absent.
And the Blu debacle matters; the show is much poorer for his absence, and the spirit that he represents.
The Banksy gallery:

Shepard Fairey, Neckface, Kaws, Swoon, Andre, Retna

Keith Haring, John Fekner, Steve Powers/ ESPO, Barry McGee, Amaze, Futura

Roa, Space Invader

Os Gemeos

MOCA's information on the show.