Crying Animals, is the new photographic series of the artist Julien Nonnon, which makes us aware of the possible disappearance of emblematic animals from our mountains. More than a spotlight, literally, it’s a cry of the heart calling to save and showcase the beauty of the world that surrounds us. With his big and powerful projector, Nonnon wishes to make the public aware, by the ephemeral nature of his luminous frescoes, of the fact that the presence of these animals in these natural environments, is really threatened.
artist: Julien Nonnon
location: France

See more of NeSpoon's 'urban jewelry'.
artist: NeSpoon
location: Poland

In progress
"The giant on the right comes from a land of mass consumption and waste. His body is made-up of junk, trash and random man-made objects. He feels burdened by the weight of his load and feels stress and fear because of it.
The giant on the left is showing compassion for her new friend. She comes from a land of green space and an abundance of nature. Her body is made-up of rivers, animals, and vegetation. As a gesture of support and understanding, she calmly puts her hand on the other giant's shoulder. He's feeling a little nervous about the change, but a positive transition begins to spread- a change that shares a common ground between the two.
Their faces come together and form a complete circle, because they are in harmony with each other."
artists: Luke Ramsey + Josh Holinaty
location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

"the sculptures: Eclectic heirs of Russian Constructivism, Land Art and Arte Povera these sculptures represent a return to pure forms and basic structural processes in delivering value to materials found in this case the wood-lyrically returning to nature where it was torn."
See more by Skount.
artist: Skount
location: Almagro, Spain

"Just as graffiti or street art, “shoeffiti” (hanging used trainers1 from overhead telephone and electric cables around town) has gone global. There’s been a lot of talk about what it means. Whether it came about to mark out turf, to flag hotspots, the sale of drugs, the death of a gang member or just as a fetishized homage to some jaunt, for me, isn’t so important. But ... it’s turned out to be the new urban metaphor.
Greenery grows. Life within shoes.... Greenery as metaphor for the path ahead."
See more of this series.
artist: Fragil
location: Barcelona