The renaissance rooster’s image over a trumpet in a neighborhood filled with caribbean immigrants. The rooster is a symbol of vigilance and wisdom and at once a traditional reference for the caribbean tradition. Standing over a trumpet, saying “alertness and wisdom’, it warns us about racism, discrimination and fears.
Part of the Raw Project.
See more by Ozmo.
artist: Ozmo
location: Miami

A bilby in Pilbara, Western Australia.
Part of The Pilbara Project, supported by FORM, a non-profit organization promoting creativity in Western Australia

Kangaroo bones in Pilbara, Western Australia

Kangaroo + Emu, West Perth.
Images by Bill Shaylor for FORM

Platypus, Midland, Perth

An Australian still life, for the Outpost Festival on Cockatoo Island

Numbat, Fremantle

Santiago, Chile
ROA was in Chile as a guest of Mono Gonzalez, a local muralist who runs an open air gallery project with Roberto Hernandez, 'Museo A Cielo Abierto de San Miguel'.

Valparaiso, Chile.
ROA thanks his godchildren, Nona and Renaud

A flea, Valparaiso, Chile

Floridan Manatee, Miami - using the architecture for a dissection effect

See more by ROA.
artist: ROA
locations: Australia + Chile + Miami

La Tortue, Torino, Northern Italy. July 2011.
Invitation of La Fabrica. Thanks to Matteo and Pixel.

Paris, Mid June 2011
Invitation of 'Le Mur Association', Rue de Oberkampf, edition no. 100 of the project that runs for a few years in Rue de Oberkampf
Image by Lepublicnme and special thx to Gauthier + Bob

Kreuzberg -Nature Morte- Manteuffelstraße / Oranienstraße, Berlin - July 2011
Thx to Skalitzer Gallery; Image by JUST

Decaying Deer, Campobasso, Southern Italy, July 2011. Draw the Line Festival.
Thanks to Stefano and the Malatesta familia, the Ferrazzano expressos, Pixel and Eme.

Atlanta, Georgia; August 2011; Living Walls Conference
Thanks to Olive, Keith, Monica

Ram Skull on goat farm in Georgia

Cologne, Germany; September 2011. Cityleaks Festival
many thanks to Anne and John

Rotting Eel. Copenhagen, Denmark; August 2011. Festival Galore (Toftegårds place in Valby). Special thanks to Lints!

Siebensterngasse 'Le Penseur' (Squirrel Skeleton)

Westbahnstrasse (fox and rabbit)
Vienna; August 2011 - during my stay at the MQ Vienna on invitation of Inoperable

Squirrel; Albany NY, Living Walls 2011
thanks to Samson Contompasis the Great! Image by the wonderful Luna Park.

Wynwood Walls, Miami
Image by Martha Cooper; thanks to Meghan & Teddy, Martha, Joeys' pizzas and the Wynwood walls team.
See more by ROA.
artist: ROA
locations: Paris, Berlin, Cologne, Campobasso, Turin, Vienna, Copenhagen, Atlanta, Albany, Miami

ever was in Miami for Living Walls + Primary Flight.
See more by ever.
artist: ever
location: Miami