JR's latest project, 'Unframed', is a new direction: he's using source images from other photographers and pasting them out of context. In the process he's mixing cultures, re-creating historic scenes and creating fascinating contrasts. I love it, and I'm excited to see where this goes.
Source image: Man Ray
Source image: Robert Capa
Source image: Lucia Moholy
On the old prison; source image: Helen Levitt
Source image: Sebastião Salgado, Guatemala, 1978
On the old Ateliers mécaniques/ mechanical workshops; source image: John Philips, 'Corpus Christi workshops'
These are all in Vevey, Switzerland, as part of the Images Festival, using images from Musée de l'Elysée.
See more by JR.
artist: JR
location: Vevey, Switzerland
images by Over The Moon
© unurth