Unurth - How long have you been working on this project/show?
Bumblebee - The past 2 years I've been creating murals specific to the region of Los Angeles in an attempt to bring awareness to youth homelessness. This show titled, 'Bee Yourself', explores these murals I've created around the city. You will see some familiar images as well as some works that never made it on the streets.
U - Use one word to describe your favorite piece in the show.
B - Animated

U - If you could only eat one food forever, what would it bee?
B - Pb&j&honey

U - Do you have any siblings?
B - There's a piece in the show titled, "My Little Brother"
U - What is one fact about you that we might be surprised to know?
B - When I was a kid, doctors tested me for color blindness.

U - Do you have an absolute favorite piece or series that you've done to date?
B - So far it's got to bee the "Land Beefore Time Series". That movie, Land Before Time, was a very influential movie on kids of my generation (90s kids), not to mention the other dinosaur cartoons and movie's like Jurassic Park and countless others. I find an interesting correlation beetween the 'small sized' toy and the movie. The fact that these are life-size versions, they represent the skeletal remains or 'extinction' of the cartoon character or maybe my generation in general. To me it has more of sense of growing up and coming of age and transition, which I feel ties in with my work completely.
U - As a kid, what was your dream job?
B - My "Dream Job" was to bee an artist. I always knew I'd get there but there are so many obstacles in the way. Lots of sacrifice. For this show, I'm bringing back my summer installation, "Bumblebee's Lemonade Stand" with added smaller works. For those of you who didn't get to visit me in Venice this year, this should bee a treat. ;) ( cause i'm baking cookies)

U - You work in a lot of different mediums. Which do you enjoy the most?
B - I enjoy sculpting the most. I like to get my hands dirty. But that usually comes with a price, backaches, headaches, cuts, burns. Basically anything that can happen while you're dealing with power tools and chemicals usually happens.
U - How did you learn to make functional toys and combine animation into your works?
B - A lot of experimentation that goes on beehind the scenes. The best results are usually a product of countless failures.
U - What question do you get asked the most by fans?
B - Ha. "Are you a boy or a girl?"
U - Ha! I guess we'll see on 1.23.14
B - Yup, I'll bee there ;)

See more by Bumblebeelovesyou
artist: Bumblebeelovesyou
location: Los Angeles, CA

The latest part of Bumblebee's ongoing story, told through installations in abandoned newspaper boxes. See page 1 and page 2, and check out Bumblebee's flickr for the notes on each page.
"The ‘newspaper stand’ is soon becoming a forgotten way to communicate with the public. With more online news subscriptions being made, newspaper companies are leaving these structures abandoned. I want to use this endangered species as a new way to communicate with the public once more.
This is achieved using the concept of ‘site specific’ in the real world as well as the online world, and also by introducing a different concept of ‘time specific’. This technique helps to create a story on the street as well as the webpage in which the images are added to.
Each newspaper stand represents a single page in the story “The Story of How Things Came to Bee”. Once the newspaper stand is placed back in the location from which it was originally borrowed from, a picture is taken at the exact time in which the story takes place. By adding the images to the webpage it allows for a narrative to bee created by using ‘notes’ (these are viewed by scrolling over the image) which can not bee seen on the street.
Lastly, a map showing the locations of the newspaper stand is sited as well, allowing the online viewer to travel to each location and view these scenes in real life."
See more Bumblebee here.
artist: Bumblebee
location: Los Angeles
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