Snake with strangled rats
At All City Canvas in Mexico DF
República de Paraguay 42-Downtown.
Thanks to the organisation and to Gonzalo, Roberto, and Jalil, Jesus and Francisco.

Lizard - Cholula, Mexico
I visited last year in January also Cholula, I love the place and the people!
Thanks again to my friend Christian Milamores!

Grasshopper - Cholula, Mexico
On invitation of Wide Open Walls by Lawrence, my second visit to the Makasutu Forest, The Gambia. I painted in the surrounding villages.

From 2011

From 2011

Mosquito - Kubuneh

Vulture on a baboon skull - Kubuneh

Pangolin - Makumbaya

Lizard - Galoya

Beatles - Galoya

Kudu - Galoya

Toad - Galoya

Turtle - Gunjur Beach

On invitation of TheSk8Room (Bruxelles) I went to Cambodia to give some workshops with the Cambodian youth and the people from Skateistan, Combodia.
As Mexico, as Africa, this was a short trip, but I got the chance to paint on the tower of the school of PSE (Pour un sourire d'enfant), Phnom Penh.

Because we spend two days before in the jungle near by Vietnam I choose to paint a firefly. The firefly is because of the light pollution threatened in her existence and has a great importance for they produce with there lower body a yellow/green luminescent light, and communicate with their light flashes with each other. Researchers are observing them for a cancer resource and claiming they would could kill cancer cells.

During our two days stay in the forrest we visit Kep, a small town near by Vietnam, that once functioned as the French Riviera of Cambodia.
The left behind villas witnessing this former wealth. The villas became destroyed in the time of the Kmer Rouge and nowadays they are shelters for homeless people and for roaming animals.

See more by ROA.
artist: ROA
locations: Mexico, Cambodia, Gambia