
Shepard Fairey



Positive-Propaganda is a non-profit art association based in Munich, which is dedicated to establishing contemporary and socio-political art in urban spaces.
The association’s members consist of a group of art and culture enthusiasts who share the aim of promoting young art and communicating it on a regional and international level.
In doing so, our main concern is to sensitise young people to art and culture with current socio-political subjects such as human rights, environmental protection and cancer prevention.

More from Positive Propaganda.

The truth about the scene.

artist: ARYZ
location: Spain

At Urban Forms.

See more by Os Gemeos and more by Aryz.

artists: Os Gemeos + Aryz
location: Lodz, Poland

thanks to Michał




Chazme + Sepe

SatOne + Etam crew


An superb festival in Poland; check out the website for more.

artists: Aryz; M-City; Remed; Chazme + Sepe; SatOne + Etam crew; Kenor
location: Lodz, Poland

Done as part of Waves Project, curated by Walls Association.

See more by Aryz.

artist: Aryz
location: Civitavecchia (near Rome), Italy