Kerry Tribe

For several days this billboard has been pleasing, entertaining and intriguing me.
I've finally found out that it's part of 'How many billboards?', a project by the MAK Center for Art and Architecture. It's like a glossier, more authorized version of the New York Street Advertising Takeover (NYSAT).

The philosophical proposition of the exhibition is simple: art should occupy a visible position in the cacophony of mediated images in the city, and it should do so without merely adding to the visual noise. How Many Billboards? Art In Stead proposes that art periodically displace advertisement in the urban environment.

Amen to that.
In total the project will include 21 billboards; here are a couple more:

Kori Newkirk

Jennifer Bornstein

Bornstein produced an etching that was then copied and enlarged. A precious medium intended for close study at intimate range is now stretched incongruously across several yards and exposed to the elements. Its subject is an Eiki 16mm film projector atop a simple wood crate. The fragmentary words "The End" are projected solemnly ... signaling celluloid's imminent demise in today's digital environment.

See more from the project, including the exact locations here.

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